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I've been thinking about dying my hair blonde since summer 2011 but I never really had the guts to do it and it seemed like so much work at the time, and still does actually. But I plan on dying my hair before I go back to school, I actually hope I can make it happen.

Snsd - Jessica

I was really hesitant about dying my hair last year because I thought I would have to bleach it and bleaching isn't really good for your hair and then I would have to wait a few months to actually dye it to the color I wanted, etc. so it just seemed like a big hassle. But I did a lot of research on dying and bleaching the other night and I found some methods that worked just as well and without bleaching so I might try those. 

I was thinking about blonde (like Jessica's in the picture above) but I don't think it'd suit me, then I was toying around with the idea of teal and pink but I thought those would be too "out there" for me. Now I really want to try red. 

2NE1 - Park Bom

SNSD - Tiffany

cr: 1, 2 (none), 3 (none), 4, 5, 6, 7

tiffany- from nyc and i like kpop
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