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"Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye"

So I think I finally convinced my mom to let me dye my hair at a salon and I think we're actually going to go to the salon to do it this Saturday! I am so happy I can do it at a salon. Yes, it'd probably be much cheaper to do it myself but I just think it's much more difficult and more of a hassle and mostly, I'm just lazy. And we're going to the salon she usually goes to, so I might even get a discount. I really want my hair color red (above) and that length too but I also really don't want to let go of my long hair so I'm not sure if I'm gonna cut it, maybe just a trim. I was going to go for blonde but I don't think it'd suit and red is a bit more tame. 

Lately, I've been watching Korea's Next Top Model (Korean version of America's Next Top Model, obviously) and I think it's way better than the American version. These girls are so skinny, tall, beautiful, and STYLISH. Like can I just steal their wardrobe? Sadly, I haven't been able to find any videos with English subs, which sucks because this video is HD and is a full ver, if only there were subs, it'd be perfect. 


tiffany- from nyc and i like kpop
Layout and header image by mymostloved with base image, brushes and background.