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Wow, I haven't posted here in a pretty long time! I never know what to write about anymore and even if I come home from doing a lot, I'm usually very tired and just too lazy or busy the next day.

School started on the 6th of September and I've been quite busy since then, mostly homework and I also started violin again so I have to practice much more ;( School is alright, I transferred to a new school, some things are different, some the same. I'm a drama major now and we have to take this movement class which is for gym credits but we actually do real work and our teacher gives us hw and exams, etc. I rather take regular gym.

I want to post some pictures but I'm too lazy to upload. Well I dyed my hair red like 3 weeks ago and it doesn't look very red, especially in pictures but if I go under certain lighting then it will, it mostly looks brown.

GD finally had his solo comeback and he released 3 mv's during the past month and this month! 'One of a Kind', 'That xx', and 'Crayon'. I am so impressed with all the mv's and songs and I was so happy when I heard my baby was having a solo comeback! I honestly lost interest in Big Bang for a few months this year but I was so impressed with GD's comeback and all the songs and mv's that were released. Big Bang will forever be my ultimate bias group and Jiyong will forever be my ultimate bias~

My favorites were 'That xx' and 'Crayon', I loved how both were so different in mv's style and the music style and I liked that GD could really pull off both so well. 

ALSO, I FUCKING GOT TICKETS FOR BIG BANG'S ALIVE GALAXY TOUR IN NEW JERSEY ON NOVEMBER 9TH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't believe I actually got tickets and I have people to go with! I still can't believe this is all going to happen! My first kpop concert!!!!!! I'm so fucking excited for this, November 9th seems so faraway but it's so close too!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I'll try to post more regularly from now on, especially when something big happens. 


tiffany- from nyc and i like kpop
Layout and header image by mymostloved with base image, brushes and background.